6 Indie Books that Explain the Climate Crisis and Possible Solutions

Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world are taking part in demonstrations in New York for environmental awareness and to urge world leaders to do something about climate change, the subject of a UN summit this week. When it comes to the environment, everyone has their own way of understanding it and thinking about everyday solutions. Each of these six books details planet preservation in a different way, so everyone can find something to read that will appeal to their own approach. From engineering to religion, from the building industry to the backyard garden, this collection offers an array of methods so everyone can join in the effort.

the wastewater gardener cover

The Wastewater Gardener: Preserving the Planet One Flush at a Time by Mark Nelson (Synergetic Press)
Nelson uses humor to bring attention to important environmental issues and to detail his unique methods of improving ecosystems.

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Explosion Green: One Man’s Journey to Green the World’s Largest Industry by David Gottfried (Morgan James Publishing)
This insider’s look at the green building movement is an inspiration to a new generation of activists.

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Comprehending the Climate Crisis: Everything You Need to Know about Global Warming and How to Stop It by Bradley J. Dibble (iUniverse)
Bradley J. Dibble hopes to entice more people to dig deeper into the subject of global warming with his thoroughly approachable new book.

a case for climate engineering cover

A Case for Climate Engineering by David Keith (MIT Press)
A climate-science expert discusses a dramatic potential solution to climate change in a book written for the layman.

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Small Change, Big Gains by Thomas Stoner (Greenleaf Book Group Publishing)
Stoner adeptly illustrates how climate­-change deniers have eroded support for preventative measures by calling science into question.

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Sacred Acts: How Churches Are Working to Protect the Earth’s Climate by Mallory McDuff (New Society Publishers)
In Sacred Acts, Mallory McDuff, a professor at Warren Wilson College, has compiled inspiring success stories of faith communities that have put into action their beliefs about the sacredness of all creation.

Aimee Jodoin

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