IndieVoices Podcast: Restless Books Publisher Ilan Stavans on Immigrant Writing
Ilan Stavans
Restless Books Publisher Ilan Stavans, writing in Foreword Reviews, recently addressed the danger of a literary monoculture posed by reliance on only a few large, corporate publishers: Stavans wrote:
“The act—and art—of reading is threatened by the dominion of flashier, noisier entertainments such as TV, movies, and online media. And too often the large corporate publishers with the leverage to make a space for books give in to the homogenizing, dumbing-down demands of the market. Yet literature—good literature!—will never die. It thrives on the precipice. And indie publishers contribute enormously to it.”
In our interview below, Stavans and I discuss the importance of immigrant voices in American literature, and how he discovered Cuban Science Fiction.
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Howard Lovy is executive editor at Foreword Reviews. You can follow him on Twitter @Howard_Lovy
Howard Lovy