Inside the November/December 2023 Issue

Issue front cover

Here we are now, Entertain Us

Michelle Schingler
As we wrapped our issue, the months-long Writer’s Guild of America strike came to a tentative conclusion—a purported victory for the strikers. But Hollywood executives did not honor the writers’ demands quite in time to save fall programming. For those awaiting the return of their favorite shows, anticipation remains.

What is it our mothers always told us, though?: a reader is never at true risk of boredom.

Godfall cover
Your favorite digital platform might not be popping new offerings, but we guarantee it: your libraries and local bookstores are. And we’re happy to cheer the writers on AND suggest some scintillating alternatives to delayed programming ourselves—a host of holiday releases that are engaging, titillating, and cinematic on their own.

Tali Girls Cover
See Godfall, a murder mystery with a science fiction conceit that packs enough surprises to warrant a screen adaptation; or Tali Girls, which focuses on the human drama of a religious revolution. There are splinterings of nations represented herein; there are recastings of historical reels, too. Kidnappings, carnivals, love stories, and wild journeys are represented among these 120+ titles. Whatever your genre of choice, we encourage you to come to these pages for your best entertainment options; they’ll more than answer your longing for stories yet to come.

Michelle Anne Schingler
Editor in Chief

Go to a list of the titles reviewed in this issue.

Michelle Anne Schingler

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