Publisher Profile / Barricade Books
Mission and genres: “For years, we at Barricade Books have prided ourselves on providing books to readers that other publishers would shy away from. Our books test the boundaries of the First Amendment, ultimately strengthening it and protecting our personal freedom. In this age of publishing dinosaurs that gobble each other up to become even larger, Barricade Books is unique. We remain an independent publishing house committed not only to making a profit but also to protecting people’s right to free speech.”
Year Founded: 1992
The Kafka Society by Ron Felber
What Goes Up: Surviving the Manic Episode of a Loved One by Judy Eron
Stolen Masterpiece Tracker: The Dangerous Life of the FBI’s #1 Art Sleuth by Thomas McShane
Who Are You People? A Personal Journey into the Heart of Fanatical Passion in America by Shari Caudron
Sex Without Guilt in the 21st Century by Albert Ellis
Gangsters of Miami by Ron Chepesiuk
Gangsters of Harlem by Ron Chepesiuk
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Hannah Hohman