Publisher Profile / Black Rose Writing


Mission: Black Rose Writing “features books from an array of fiction, non-fiction, and children’s book genres, all having one thing in common, an individual’s originality and hardship.”

Year Founded: 2006


Dystortions: 100 Hues of Purple: Mystery, Murder, and Love in a Parallel Universe by Lisa Pell

Deadly Homecoming at Rosemont by Connie Chappell

If Jack Had by Steven Rappaport

Wild Raspberries by Connie Chappell

In the Dark Shadow of Evil: The Countess de Couvegne Letters by Tony Collins

Saving Texas by Nancy Stancill

Silver Summer by Stephen Fogle

Collision Course by Chuck Gleason


Collision Course by Chuck Gleason. 2013 Finalist for Romance

Adaora: Daughters of Murthos: Book One by Krista S. Rose. 2013 Finalist for Romance

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Hannah Hohman

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