Publisher Profile / Europa Editions

Europa Editions


Mission and genres: “The idea behind the creation of Europa Editions was to capitalize on Edizioni E/O’s deep roots in European publishing to bring fresh international voices to the American and British markets and to provide quality editions that have a distinct look and consistently high levels of editorial standards. The Europa catalog is eclectic, reflecting the founders’ belief that dialogue between nations and cultures is of vital importance and that this exchange is facilitated by literature chosen not only for its ability to entertain and fascinate but also to inform and enlighten.”

Co-Founder: Sandro Ferri

Co-Founder: Sandra Ozzola Ferri

Year Founded: 2005

An Interview with the Founder Sandro Ferri

Sandro Ferri
Against nightly newscasts that suggest an increasingly more polarized world stands literature, ready to give us empathetic insights into the lives of our distant neighbors. According to the founder of Europa Editions, books are an uncommonly effective means of navigating the spaces between people and nations. We asked Europa’s founder, Sandro Ferri, about what makes his company unique, and about what thrilling work we can expect from them in the near future.

There is increasing interest in books-in-translation; what is Europa’s role in that growing market?

We are among the most prominent publishers of translated fiction, both in terms of number of published titles and for the quality of our translations. We feel the responsibility to bring the best of international fiction to American readers, so that they can appreciate excellent, diverse literature and better understand the rest of the world. We believe that literature is one of the best ways to navigate the world and different people from various countries.

Read the interview with Sandro Ferri


Firefly by Janette Jenkins

Persecution: The Friendly Fire of Memories by Alessandro Piperno, Translated by Ann Goldstein

Divorce Islamic Style by Amara Lakhous

Second Reading: Notable and Neglected Books Revisited by Jonathan Yardley

From the Land of the Moon by Milena Agus

The Woman with the Bouquet by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Translated by Alison Anderson

Cecilia by Linda Ferri, Translated by Ann Goldstein

Press Releases

Alexander Maksik Events to Celebrate Shelter In Place

Publishing INTERNSHIP at Europa Editions

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Hannah Hohman

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