Publisher Profile / Monkfish


Mission and genres: Specialing in “spiritual and literary books from a diverse range of perspectives. Genres include memoirs, wisdom literature, fiction, and scholarly works of thought. Monkfish books appeal to the seasoned or novice seeker as well as to the general public looking for reliable sources on spirituality..”

Year Founded: 2002


How Do You Pray? Inspiring Responses from Religious Leaders, Spiritual Guides, Healers, Activists and Other Lovers of Humanity Edited by Celeste Yacoboni

Untold: A History of the Wives of Prophet Muhammad by Tamam Kahn

The Passion of Mary Magdalen by Elizabeth Cunningham

Commander of the Faithful: The Life and Times of Emir Abd el-Kader by John W. Kiser

Fresh Cooking: A Year of Recipes from the Garrison Institute Kitchen by Shelley Boris

Bright Dark Madonna by Elizabeth Cunningham


How Do You Pray? Inspiring Responses from Religious Leaders, Spiritual Guides, Healers, Activists and Other Lovers of Humanity Edited by Celeste Yacoboni. 2014 HONORABLE Mention for Body, Mind & Spirit

God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam by Mirabai Starr. 2012 Finalist for Religion

The Passion of Mary Magdalen by Elizabeth Cunningham. 2006 Finalist for Religious

Key links: Books, Authors, Contact

Hannah Hohman

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