Publisher Profile / University of Nebraska Press


Mission and genres: “The University of Nebraska Press is a nonprofit scholarly and general interest press that publishes new titles annually under the Nebraska, Bison Books, and Potomac Book imprints, and in partnership with the Jewish Publication Society, along with 31 journals. As the largest and most diversified press between Chicago and California, with more than 4,000 books in print, the University of Nebraska Press is best known for publishing works in Native studies, history, sports, anthropology, and geography, American studies and cultural criticism, and creative works. For more information, visit”

Year Founded: 1941

Titles Published Yearly: 170


Eyeing the Red Storm: Eisenhower and the First Attempt to Build a Spy Satellite by Robert M. Dienesch

Spring 1865: The Closing Campaigns of the Civil War by Perry D. Jamieson

Shenandoah: A Story of Conservation and Betrayal by Sue Eisenfeld

A Grizzly in the Mail and Other Adventures in American History by Tim Grove

Young Widower by John W. Evans

The Last Days of the Rainbelt by David J. Wishart

Making the American Body: The Remarkable Saga of the Men and Women Whose Feats, Feuds, and Passions Shaped Fitness History by Jonathan Black

Shrink: A Cultural History of Psychoanalysis in America by Lawrence R. Samuel

Yellowstone, Land of Wonders: Promenade in North America’s National Park by Jules Leclercq

Death Zones and Darling Spies: Seven Years of Vietnam War Reporting by Beverly Deepe Keever

501 Baseball Books Fans Must Read before They Die by Ron Kaplan

The Future of the Jewish People in Five Photographs by Peter S Temes

Almost Somewhere: Twenty-eight Days on the John Muir Trail by Suzanne Roberts

A Mind Like This by Susan Blackwell Ramsey

Beyond Bend It Like Beckham: The Global Phenomenon of Women’s Soccer by Timothy F. Grainey

Writings from the Sand, Volume 1: Collected Works of Isabelle Eberhardt Edited by Marie Odile Delacour & Jean-Rene Huleu, Translated by Melissa Marcus

Banzai Babe Ruth by Robert K. Fitts

Epistolophilia: Writing the Life of Ona Šimaitė by Julija Šukys

The Book of What Stays by James Crews

Emus Loose in Egnar: Big Stories from Small Towns by Judy Muller

Let There Be Pebble: A Middle-Handicapper’s Year in America’s Garden of Golf by Zackary Michael Jack

Bohemian Girl by Terese Svoboda

The Overseer’s Cabin by Édouard Glissant, Translated by Betsy Wing

The Rhythm Boys of Omaha Central: High School Basketball at the ’68 Racial Divide by Steve Marantz

Driving With Dvořák: Essays on Memory and Identity by Fleda Brown

The Nebraska Dispatches by Christopher Cartmill

Death as a Side Effect by Ana María Shua, Translated by Andrea G. Labinger

The Year 3000: A Dream by Paolo Mantegazza, Edited by Nicoletta Pireddu, Translated by David Jacobson

Cover Me: A Health Insurance Memoir by Sonya Huber

Scoreboard, Baby: A Story of College Football, Crime, and Complicity by Ken Armstrong & Nick Perry

Sleep in Me by Jon Pineda

Goodbye Wifes and Daughters by Susan Kushner Resnick

The Fast Runner: Filming the Legend of Atanarjuat by Michael Robert Evans

Quotidiana by Patrick Madden

Things Seen by Annie Ernaux

In the Mind’s Eye: Essays Across the Animate World by Elizabeth Dodd

Lana’s Lakota Moons by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve

Writing Brave and Free: Encouraging Words for People Who Want to Start Writing by Steve Cox & Ted Kooser

So You Want to Write about American Indians? A Guide for Writers Students and Scholars by Devon Abbott Mihesuah

The French Navy and the Seven Years War by Jonathan R. Dull

The Poetry Home Repair Manual: Practical Advice for Beginning Poets by Ted Kooser

Violations: Stories of Love by Latin American Women by Psiche Hughes

Last Call by K.L. Cook

Breathing in the Fullness of Time by Willliam Kloefkorn

How to Cook a Tapir: A Memoir of Belize by Joan Fry

Bicycling beyond the Divide: Two Journeys into the West by Daryl Farmer

Baseball and the Media: How Fans Lose in Today’s Coverage of the Game by George Castle

I, Nadia, Wife of a Terrorist by Baya Gacemi, Translated by Constantina Mitchell & Paul Cote

The Hermaphrodite by Julia Ward Howe

Gang of One by Fan Shen

Fault Line by Laurie Alberts

Turning Bones by Lee Martin

The Tour to End All Tours: The Story of Major League Baseball’s 1913-1914 World Tour by James E. Elfers

The Lewis and Clark Journals: An American Epic of Discovery by Meriwether Lewis & Author William Clark, Edited by Gary E. Moulton

Phantom Limb by Janet Sternburg

When Montana and I Were Young: A Frontier Childhood by Margaret Bell

Best of Prairie Schooner by Hilda Raz & Kate Flaherty

Swallow Summer by Charles R. Brown


Desert Diplomat: Inside Saudi Arabia Following 9/11 by Robert W. Jordan. 2015 Finalist for Autobiography & Memoir

Queen of the Fall: A Memoir of Girls and Goddesses by Sonja Livingston. 2015 Finalist for Essays

Darkened Rooms of Summer by Jared Carter. 2014 Finalist for Poetry

The Pat Boone Fan Club: My Life as a White Anglo-Saxon Jew by Sue William Silverman. 2014 Finalist for Essays

Fried Walleye and Cherry Pie: Midwestern Writers on Food Edited by Peggy Wolff. 2013 GOLD Winner for Anthologies

Young Widower by John W. Evans. 2014 SILVER Winner for Grief/Grieving

American Jews and America’s Game: Voices of a Growing Legacy in Baseball by Larry Ruttman. 2013 Finalist for Sports

Body Geographic by Barrie Jean Borich. 2013 BRONZE Winner for Essays

Your Midwest Garden: An Owner’s Manual by Jan Riggenbach. 2013 Finalist for Home & Garden

Hoosh by Jason C. Anthony. 2012 GOLD Winner for Travel Essays

We Are Here: Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust by Ellen Cassedy. 2012 SILVER Winner for History

Stolen Horses by Dan O’Brien. 2010 SILVER Winner for General

Searching for Tamsen Donner by Gabrielle Burton. 2009 Finalist for Autobiography & Memoir

Good Neighbors, Bad Times by Mimi Schwartz. 2008 BRONZE Winner for Autobiography & Memoir

The Wide Open: Prose, Poetry, and Photographs of the Prairie Edited by Annick Smith and Susan O’Connor. 2008 GOLD Winner for Anthologies

The Middle of Everything: Memoirs of Motherhood by Michelle Herman. 2005 Finalist for Autobiography & Memoir

The Book of What Stays by James Crews. 2011 HONORABLE Mention for Poetry

Bohemian Girl by Terese Svoboda. 2011 Finalist for Historical

The Rhythm Boys of Omaha Central: High School Basketball at the ’68 Racial Divide by Steve Marantz. 2011 GOLD Winner for Sports

Cover Me: A Health Insurance Memoir by Sonya Huber. 2010 Finalist for Autobiography & Memoir

Sleep in Me by Jon Pineda. 2010 Finalist for Autobiography & Memoir

Quotidiana by Patrick Madden. 2010 BRONZE Winner for Essays

Foreword Mentions

It’s Poetry, Do Not Be Alarmed

Reflections on Identity from Far Afield Homing

Read It, Lest We Repeat It: History at its most compelling, enlightening, depressing, and unfathomable

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Hannah Hohman

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