
Womantality Lit Hit


Get out your pen and paper and prepare to take notes on Erin Wildermuth’s short volume Womentality, a collection of stories from thirteen women who abandoned the traditional workplace and reclaimed the reins to their lives. This worldwide sampling of women—from Uganda to Palestine to Poland—have little in common in the way of their circumstances, but are nevertheless united by a single, powerful thread: the desire for more. Some are new mothers forced to find means to help support their families amidst crumbling economies. Some feel repressed by social norms or the diminished cultural value of “women’s work.” All came to the conclusion that the 9-to-5 work model was incompatible with the way they wanted to live their lives and, with the help of a stable internet connection and awe-inspiring courage, struck out to forge new paths for themselves and their loved ones. These thirteen women now seek to share their stories, providing readers with advice and inspiration to take the leap of faith for themselves.

Womentality: Thirteen Empowering Stories by Everyday Women Who Said Goodbye to the Workplace and Hello to Their Lives, Erin Wildermuth, editor, Three Rooms Press, Paperback $17.00 (212pp), 978-1-941110-84-3

Danielle Ballantyne

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