Foreword Announces Finalists for 2021 INDIES Book of the Year Awards

Traverse City, MI, March 14, 2022—As part of its mission to discover, review, and share the best books from university and independent publishers, Foreword Reviews is pleased to announce the finalists for the 2021 INDIES Book of the Year Awards.

More than 2,500 entries spread across 55 genres were submitted for consideration. The Finalists were determined by Foreword’s editorial team. Winners are now being decided by teams of librarian and bookseller judges from across the country.

The complete list of Finalists can be found at:

“Being able to revisit the best of a year’s books—titles that are either familiar to us, or that we have the joy of seeing for the first time during judging—is always a pleasure,” says Editor-in-Chief Michelle Anne Schingler. “This year’s entrants represented a thrilling influx of books that we thoroughly enjoyed spending time with. We’re proud of every book that’s moving on to our finalist round.”

“Our goal for Foreword’s INDIES Book of the Year Awards is to be one of the premier programs for independent presses to be recognized for their work,” said Victoria Sutherland, publisher. “After 24 years, I continue to be so very proud of the integrity of our judging process and so grateful to our volunteer librarians and booksellers who will make the winner’s determination based on their knowledge of what their current reader patron pleasures are.”

Winners in each genre—along with Editor’s Choice Prize winners and Foreword’s Independent Publisher of the Year—will be announced June 16, 2022.


Since 1998, Foreword Reviews has provided trade book reviews of the best titles from independent presses. In print and online, its FOLIO award-winning design and editorial content make the magazine a favorite among librarians, booksellers, and readers—an excellent resource when it comes to purchasing books. Foreword INDIES and the Foreword Clarion Reviews service complement our online content and print magazine, helping to showcase independent authors and presses.
