Books We've Reviewed from Steerforth Press

Book Review


In "Ripple", Jim Cosgrove recounts his investigation into the murder of a family acquaintance, which took him down a dark, supernatural trail. As a young journalist, Cosgrove... Read More

Book Review

Zoland Poetry

Far too much provocative thought flies under the radar of English-language readers; here’s a new radar station, registering worldwide movement. Pease, best known for... Read More

Book Review

The Farfarers

In his unerringly superlative writing, Mowat is once again standing the archaeological world on end. Almost thirty-five years after releasing his controversial theory that the... Read More

Book Review

Billy Verit

For those not already familiar with Rick Harsch, his new novel Billy Verité will be a surprising and pleasant discovery. The good guys are suitably bumbling yet resilient and... Read More