Books We've Reviewed from Wesleyan University Press

Book Review


With carefully planned havoc, Rae Armantrout takes a page from the jesters of old—mocking the universe’s solidity without fear of retribution. Her talent will protect her.... Read More

Book Review

Next Life

The publication of a poet’s selected poems is often viewed as a life’s work summation. What better way to rebel against that notion than by releasing a new collection with a... Read More

Book Review

Emotional Storm

The title refers to psychoanalyst Wilfred Bion’s words: “When two personalities meet, an emotional storm is created.” This goes beyond Freud, whose psychology focused on... Read More

Book Review

Bright Felon

In Bright Felon: Autobiography and Cities (Wesleyan University Press, 978-0-8195-6916-5), Kazim Ali moves in and out of silence, aware always of the veil “between what you... Read More

Book Review

The Dancer Within

Isadora Duncan once famously proclaimed, “To live is to dance.” In this volume, Eichenbaum’s thoughtful interviews illuminate the lives of forty dancers across a broad... Read More

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