21 Things You Need to Know about Diabetes & Weight Loss Surgery

Diabetes and obesity go hand in hand, and both are dishearteningly common health issues today. Scott Cunneen and Nancy Sayles Kaneshiro share the wisdom gained from performing metabolic surgeries—including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and adjustable gastric band—to help people lose weight in order to maintain healthy glucose levels.

As these procedures grow in popularity, it’s easy to think of them as ready solutions, but Cunneen’s perspective is more nuanced: while these procedures can have dramatic effects, they aren’t the best fit for every situation, and they require long-term change to be fully effective. The book addresses everything patients need to know before, during, and after surgery, as well as common myths and keys to success. As a result, the information and insight presented goes beyond the physical and medical, examining the psychology of healthy change and how to set and maintain appropriate expectations—all in a slim, accessible, easy-to-understand volume.

Cunneen’s medical expertise is the bedrock of the book, but Kaneshiro’s less overt perspective helps the book feel well-rounded and approachable. She’s had a metabolic surgery and maintained long-term health, and she and Cunneen have since partnered on books and seminars to help educate and prepare people for the procedures. A chapter from dietitian Jennifer Arussi, MS, RDN, also bolsters the full-circle, whole-life benefits of the book. Plus, the book is published by the American Diabetes Association.

In a topic that can easily feel hopeless or packed with hype, Cunneen and Kaneshiro take the middle ground, offering thoughtful, sensible advice to those whose health hangs in the balance. This book is also an asset to loved ones helping make these decisions. The calm, positive, levelheaded tone of the narrative offers those struggling to lose weight and manage their diabetes the wisdom they need to confidently make the best choices for their health.

Reviewed by Melissa Wuske

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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