A Shaman's Miraculous Tools for Healing

With a refreshingly authentic voice, Villoldo shares the extraordinary power of his shamanic gifts and training.

The word “miraculous” in the title of Alberto Villoldo’s latest book is anything but hyperbole. Rather, it is an accurate assessment of the twelve very personal stories of transformation documented in this well-done book. With the editorial help of Anne E. O’Neill, and using the voices of a dozen clients intermingled with his own, Villoldo shares the extraordinary power of his shamanic gifts and training.

Each of the twelve men and women who share their intimate and profoundly life-changing odysseys were drawn to seek out Villoldo as a last resort. They all came to him, often in surprisingly serendipitous fashions, after conventional medicine, therapies, and/or spiritual practices had failed to help them find relief from their physical, mental, or/and spiritual diseases. From inexplicable splitting headaches, crippling pain, consuming existential angst, or a myriad of spiritual crises, each found in Villoldo’s shamanic techniques the spot-on interventions they needed. Though their healings sometimes took several years and contained unexpected permutations, all found the life-changing, positive transformations they had been seeking.

Villoldo’s voice is refreshingly authentic. Trained in psychology and medical anthropology, he is well aware that his communications with the spirit world, his soul and destiny retrievals, chakra healings, and his work in the luminous-energy field (LEF) can be hard to reconcile with a scientific mind-set. Even after more than twenty-five years of studying shamanic healing practices with Amazon and Inka shamans, and working with hundreds of clients, he writes, “My Western mind may not be fully confident that what I’m doing is ‘real,’ but I try not to allow my own doubt to get in the way of being of service.”

Villoldo passionately asserts that everyone can benefit from spending time with a shaman, or, as he writes, “The shamans say that you are never completely healed until you become a healer yourself.” In that light, it’s unsurprising that as part of their healing destinies, most of the twelve whose stories are documented in A Shaman’s Miraculous Tools for Healing found themselves drawn to training with Villoldo in the practice of Shamanic Energy Healing, so that they, too, could be of service to others.

Reviewed by Patty Sutherland

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