Angel in Vegas

The Chronicles of Noah Sark

Norma Howe, author of the Blue Avenger Trilogy, follows up with an angelic, farcical romp through the city of Sin: Las Vegas, Nevada. Meet Noah Sark-a seasoned Guardian Angel sent back to Earth as a handsome sixteen-year-old-ready to redeem his fatal mistake the last time he was on Earth. Noah, it turns out, was the Guardian Angel in charge of Princess Diana on that ill-fated Paris night when her life was cut short. Lured away from his duty by the attractions of Paris, Noah (who at the time inhabited the human form of an aging French bachelor) was enjoying the floorshow at the Folies Bergère when the car accident occurred.

Unable to forget or forgive himself for this failure, Noah views this assignment in Las Vegas as his only chance to get back in good standing as a Guardian Angel. His assignment? Watching over Barbra DeMarco, a beautiful sixteen-year-old blond, who just happens to bear a shocking resemblance to Princess Diana. This is no easy task. Noah meets Barbra through her boyfriend Andy, a typical teenage guy with a good heart, who finds Noah’s rucksack in a donut-shop restroom. The trio embarks on a series of adventures.

And in Las Vegas, no adventure is typical. Howe delivers cheeky narrative with plenty of comical situations. A dead frog, a spot-on Elvis impersonator, a psychic fair, and a well-traveled blond wig all make their appearances during a madcap dash through Vegas’ best facsimiles of the world’s most recognizable attractions. Uncomfortable with the pain of teenage relationships, Noah comes to terms with the way Barbra and Andy communicate by asking for help from his mentor, Guardian Angel Jake. At just the right moments, Jake gives him the answers he needs.

This is a coming-of-age novel in reverse: having existed for millennia as a Guardian Angel, Noah is well-versed in the pain and difficulty that life entails, but is forced to keep silent in order to accomplish his mission. Howe delivers a funny and believable novel about faith, doing the right thing, and what it means to be a true angel.

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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