Awaken To Superconsciousness

Meditation for Inner Peace Intuitive Guidance and Greater Awareness

Walters’ confidence regarding spiritual awakening should be taken seriously considering his world renown expertise in yoga and meditation. He has published many books, composes music and is the founder of a spiritual retreat center in northern California. His guru was Paramhansa Yogananda, and he himself has practiced and taught yoga and meditation for more than fifty years.

Much of this book’s information and style allow the beginner to take clear and definite strides in the theory and practice of meditation. Sometimes the level of detail is aimed at an already practiced reader. The author may include intricate, rather esoteric information, but then smoothly returns to an organized, logical path or explanation. The book is divided into three parts: “Divine Memory,” “The Process” and “Superconscious Living.”

The first section of the book patiently explains what seems simple in Walters’ words, but is uncommon wisdom about the roles and understanding of the human ego, consciousness and superconsciousness and their relatedness to spirituality. Part two focuses completely on meditation; the chapters are on listening, centering, energy, magnetism, chanting, affirmations and advanced stages and keys to meditation. The last is a short section entitled “Intuitive Guidance.” Each of the eighteen chapters end with a practical, guided “Meditation Practice,” “Review” or “Exercise.” Walters’ voice throughout is kind, clear and scientific about his stated truths.

The author’s writing style communicates the information quickly and with joyful direction. He speaks of two main aspects of the spiritual path: Abstract/philosophical and Concrete/practical. Both aspects are consistently and clearly addressed. On the practical side, Walters identifies the ticks, habits, inclinations, reactions and beliefs that fill most peoples’ lives. The involved reader will respond with understanding and feelings of familiarity. Then the author explains an enlightened alternative that makes sense and seems attainable. As Walters’ states: “Meditation is not so much a process of stilling the mind as of perceiving realities that exist beyond the mind. There is an inner world that can be perceived only when the attention has been turned away from material involvement and redirected toward the divine source within.”

Awaken to Superconsciousness will inspire much healthy and happy meditation. By following faithfully these positive statements of yogic and meditative practices, the reader will discover new realities that contain inner peace, fearlessness, increased creativity, attraction of people and everyday miracles.

Reviewed by Aimé Merizon

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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