Birmingham Sunday

This is a thoughtfully researched account of the events of Birmingham Sunday, September 15, 1963, which left six young African Americans dead. Four girls were killed by a dynamite blast at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, a boy was shot in the back by a policeman in the riots that followed, and a boy was shot off a bicycle by a white youth returning from a KKK rally. The large format and abundant photographs make this book reminiscent of a children’s picture book, but the thorough account of Birmingham Sunday, and the civil rights protests that led up to it, supplemented by information sidebars, make this an important resource for young people and adults alike. The author is careful to tell the stories of the young people who lost their lives, and he brings readers up to date on the people and places involved. An appendix lists ideas for further reading. For ages ten and up.

Reviewed by Teresa Scollon

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