Blue Diamond Journey
The Healing of a Reluctant Seer
“Cancer is merely a wake-up call,” says Esther Supernault. “Change…or die and learn on the Other Side what you could have changed here. The choice, as always, is yours…I believe we will one day look back in horror for treating cancer with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.” A descendant of Native American and Celtic seers, Supernault was diagnosed with breast cancer and decided to forego chemotherapy and radiation after her surgery and instead follow a natural path to healing. When her doctors saw that she was willing to put her life on the line for her belief that natural healing from cancer is possible, they tried to instill fear in her, and then abandoned her. “After my diagnosis, I fell back onto my Celtic/Aboriginal heritage for answers,” she said. “My healing path led me into the amazing realm of guardian angels and totem animals whose assistance became as real as the cancer.” Her spirit guides, together with her own intuition, dreams, and visions provided detailed information on nutrition, treatments, and the soul-healing necessary to support her body. Following up these messages with intense research into natural healing methods, Supernault, a Canadian nurse, researcher, and writer put together a plan of action that allowed her to heal her cancer without chemotherapy or radiation. Blue Diamond Journey is the story of that healing and how, through cancer, Supernault was able to realize her mission and purpose for this lifetime: to help others bring healing to themselves and to the world through her writing and example.
The author’s descriptions of the fear she experienced as she battled the disease that was ravaging her body are relentlessly honest; honest also is the reason why, in spite of her suffering, she came to say that she “wouldn’t have missed this journey for anything!” Believing that the support of the spirit realm is accessible to all, she teaches how to contact one’s guides and totem animals, how to recognize messages from spirit, how to deal with negative emotions and emotional blocks to healing, and how the very things that caused one’s illness can, when correctly understood, be the key to unlocking the healing potential of one’s own body.
Supernault’s book is warm, sincere, and informative; her down-to-earth delivery may help those who find their emotions spiraling out of control to ground themselves in the practical realities of self-care. Supernault might have used a few more current citations: of the 59 references given by the author, more than half come from sources dating from before the year 2000.
With its suggestions for self-care at the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels of one’s being and stories of how these played out in Supernault’s own healing, Blue Diamond Journey, and its message of courage and hope, will be a welcome companion for those who have chosen an alternative path to treating their cancer.
Reviewed by
Kristine Morris
Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.