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  2. Books with 112 Pages

Reviews of Books with 112 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 112 pages.

Book Review

Cosmic Creatures

by Jeff Fleischer

A gentle conservation message comes through in Tom Huddleston’s adventure-filled novel Cosmic Creatures: The Friendly Firecat, wherein a girl visits her aunt on a remote planet—and has to stop intergalactic rustlers from stealing... Read More

Book Review

Family Values

by Ho Lin

“Extraordinary people doing a most ordinary thing” is how rock journalist Michael Azerrad sums up the images in Guzman’s "Family Values". Drawn from a fall 1992 photo session for Spin magazine, this collection captures grunge rock... Read More

Book Review

Yaguareté White

by Matt Sutherland

Moving through the ambiguities of language—English, Spanish, and Paraguay’s Indigenous Guaraní—the grin of a big cat shadowing his every unstealthy step through North and South American habitats and fixed ideas of manhood, Diego... Read More

Book Review

Love Novel

by Suzanne Kamata

Ivana Sajko’s "Love Novel" plunges into the difficulties that occur after a couple without means gives in to desire. The story is told from the points-of-view of an unnamed man and woman living in an unnamed city and country. The man,... Read More

Book Review

A Shining

by Eileen Gonzalez

In Jon Fosse’s novel "A Shining", a walk in the forest leads to an inexplicable, supernatural experience. Out of sheer boredom, a man goes for a drive and ends up lost in the forest on a snowy autumn night. There, strange encounters... Read More

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