Apell offers logical and compelling methods for harnessing our innate ability to succeed. Ugandan writer Agona Apell turns his analytical mind to discovering the qualities that lead to success—qualities that he says lie rooted in the... Read More
Andrew Penman’s Long Unwinding Road: An Inspiring Story of Natural Self-Healing is the miraculous story of a tiring journey from life-threatening injury to recovery. In 1989, Andrew Penman was hit by a car after a night of partying. He... Read More
“Anyone that gets washed down river, dressed in rags and carrying that sword, has got to have a remarkable story, and I want to hear it.” So quips the man who saves the hero of "Mayan Prophecies" from drowning. It is with such... Read More
An illegal immigrant from Mexico, Lorenzo Anzaldua, nicknamed Lencho, arrived in Texas with his father and three brothers in 1920. A thoroughly self-made man with no shame about his flaws and justifiable pride in his accomplishments,... Read More
In "Mountain Clouds", Li shares her memories of how she—a poor child raised in wartime China—came to be a world traveler who lived in Geneva, Switzerland, and eventually settled in Montreal, Canada. Readers of recent fiction, Lisa... Read More
Christina Anne Knight says that her book “… is presented in a manner that should be intelligible to an intelligent layperson that has some basic knowledge of physics and cosmology.” That said, readers should be prepared for... Read More
During her months in a Gestapo prison in 1936, the young labor activist Gisa Peiper follows a thread of poetry, trying to steady herself: “Remember this also when you grow old. / Remember there is art, there is poetry. / Remember a... Read More
“It’s a poor system that does its best to avoid being responsible for the sickest people while making profits by doing so,” the author writes. The expensive and dysfunctional medical system of the United States is being... Read More