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  2. Books with 187 Pages

Reviews of Books with 187 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 187 pages.

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Book Review

This Child of Mine

by E. James Lieberman

Sigmund Freud and other therapists have written case histories as gripping as fine short stories. Add to that list Martha Wakenshaw, a mental health counselor in Seattle, who is more compassionate and less theoretical than Freud, but... Read More

Book Review

Iroquois Moon

by Gabrielle Shaw

The year in Indian Country is divided into thirteen moons. Thirteen equal cycles of four weeks, twenty-eight days. The Sugar Moon, Fishing Moon, and the Very Cold Moon are examples denoting the seasons and their seasonal activities in... Read More

Book Review

Sacred Relationships

by Karen Wyckoff

Bringing human relationships, with their intimacy and intricacies, in alignment with a definitive theological view of the universe is the goal set forth in Daniel Raphael’s Sacred Relationships. Raphael, small business owner and... Read More