In Jacques Poulin’s lyrical novel "Autumn Rounds", a Canadian bookmobile driver travels from Quebec City to the villages along the country’s northern shore. The Driver, as he calls himself, has an enduring love of books and a curious... Read More
"How." is a powerful guidebook for bringing ideas to life in challenging times. With the knowledge that everyone has ideas, but most struggle to bring them to life, R. Geoffrey Blackburn’s engaging, motivational self-improvement book... Read More
The two stories in "The Hypno-Ripper" focus on the Jack the Ripper legend, suggesting macabre causes behind the crimes. The brief literary collection "The Hypno-Ripper" combines two nineteenth-century stories that reconsider Jack the... Read More
"The Rain May Pass" is the evocative coming-of-age memoir of a young man in the 1940s. Alan Shayne’s memoir "The Rain May Pass" is about coming of age, and falling in love with a man twice his age, during World War II. The book begins... Read More
Saint Paul was Not Virgin Born is compelling as it argues for putting Jesus back at the center of Christian life. Military chaplain Ronald Lee Cobb’s Saint Paul was Not Virgin Born is a theological argument for placing less emphasis on... Read More
"The Rescue of Demistrath" is an exciting fantasy novel that’s set in an expansive world where underdogs defend what’s right. In Rose Stauffer’s magical fairy tale "The Rescue of Demistrath", a young woman transforms from a... Read More
"Are You Ready Yet?" is a practical text full of clear advice for dealing with the financial impact of death. Michael C. Wittenberg’s "Are You Ready Yet?" engages best practices for putting a person’s final affairs in order.... Read More
The daily realities of war-torn Sudan are recorded in the detail-heavy novel "Nyasala". Hugo Jackson’s novel "Nyasala" focuses on the struggles and persistence of a few exemplary individuals within Sudan’s complicated war zones. As... Read More