A cancer diagnosis changes everything: work, relationships with family and friends, one’s perspective on what makes a good or bad day. Jim Higley didn’t expect the summer after his own diagnosis and subsequent surgery to be the best... Read More
To be human means striving to come to terms with impermanence, change, and loss. Rationally, one knows that nothing lasts forever, including youth or a perfect moment. But when the hard, cold, unavoidable reality of dissonance destroys... Read More
Bedtime stories (for both children and adults) are often survivors from thousands of years ago, from before the time that science, logic, and reason tried their hardest to explain away magic. Fairy tales transform, evolve, teach, and... Read More
Ken Harvey wants to be married, a reasonable enough desire, since he’s been part of a cohabitating couple for nearly a decade. But little is easy for a gay couple, even one living in Massachusetts before, during, and after the same-sex... Read More
On June 25, 1876, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, and 2,000 Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne wiped out George Custer and his Seventh Cavalry at the Battle of Little Big Horn. It was a stunning and absolutely unforgettable event in American history.... Read More
When a kid is sniffling, wheezing, coughing, and sneezing, what’s the cause? It might be a cold, but it might also be allergies—physiological reactions often caused by overactive immune systems. Nearly 50 million Americans have... Read More
Many people have issues in their lives that seem impervious to change. Difficulties handling money, losing weight, or relating to a spouse can all lead an individual to question who they are and why they cannot improve their situation.... Read More
In just three months’ time, from April to July 1994, Hutu extremists in Rwanda conducted a killing spree of Tutsis so widespread and deadly that it became the third recognized genocide of the twentieth century. To its shame, the United... Read More