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  2. Books with 226 Pages

Reviews of Books with 226 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 226 pages.

Book Review

Of Starlight and Midnight

by Isabella Zhou

A brooding, magic-wielding elf barges into a librarian’s secrets as she investigates her mother’s mysterious death in Amy Kuivalainen’s novel "Of Starlight and Midnight". After a violent war, elvish brothers Søren and Aramis are... Read More

Book Review

When All Else Fails

by N.T. McQueen

In the drama-filled novel "When All Else Fails", redemption comes from unlikely places for a group of damaged people. In Michael Pulley’s novel "When All Else Fails", a wealthy, dysfunctional family’s interests collide with those of... Read More

Book Review

But Is He Jewish?

by Kristine Morris

"But Is He Jewish?" is a lively compendium of humor concerning everyday conundrums. Taking on universal themes, Daniel Wolf’s diverse and witty collection of stories, jokes, musings, and short plays runs the gamut from rough and bawdy... Read More

Book Review

I Want Magic

by Michele Sharpe

A native of New Orleans with a PhD in English, C. W. Cannon brings his perspective to the city, the South, and race in his essay collection "I Want Magic". With eloquence and keen analyses, Cannon defends New Orleans as complex and... Read More

Book Review

Little Bird

by Jeana Jorgensen

In Tiffany Meuret’s contemporary fantasy novel "Little Bird", a divorced woman encounters magic beyond her comprehension, shaking up her messy life and forcing her to assess her priorities, as well as the meanings of life and death.... Read More

Book Review

I Know You Love Me, Too

by Camille-Yvette Welsch

In her debut novel-in-stories, "I Know You Love Me, Too", Amy Neswald threads the relationship between two sisters through fourteen linked stories to create a genre-bending experience. The half sisters, eight years apart in age, must... Read More

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