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Reviews of Books with 232 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 232 pages.

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Book Review

The Young Sailor

by Meredith Grahl Counts

A young man works through the excitement of courtships and travel in this appealing coming-of-age story. "The Young Sailor" by Al Cadondon is a novelization of a man’s life that looks back over mostly fond and romantic memories.... Read More

Book Review

Surviving Cancer

by Angela McQuay

"Surviving Cancer" provides sound research and actionable steps that anyone can follow in order to live a longer and healthier life. Whether you’re interested in preventing cancer or stopping its spread once it has been diagnosed, John... Read More

Book Review


by Catherine Thureson

KT has never known her father. Her mother says that her father left before she was born, but that is not exactly true. Her mother went to a sperm bank to become pregnant, and a brief search on a website intended to help connect the... Read More

Book Review

The Fiddler is a Good Woman

by Meg Nola

The language of "The Fiddler is a Good Woman" blends the profane and poetic. Geoff Berner’s "The Fiddler is a Good Woman" pieces together the fictionally fragmented life of a Canadian rock violinist named DD, known for her many moods... Read More

Book Review

What Did Jesus Do?

by Melissa Wuske

"What Did Jesus Do?" gives a refreshing look at the Catholic Church by examining the life and teachings of Jesus. What Did Jesus Do? The Biblical Roots of the Catholic Church by Thomas J. Nash seeks to reveal that the Catholic Church is... Read More

Book Review

Across the China Sea

by Meg Nola

A quietly luminous narrative follows five displaced children and reimagines the notion of family. In Gaute Heivoll’s "Across the China Sea", a son returns to his childhood home in rural Norway, prepared to clean out the house following... Read More

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