“He was caught in a chiaroscuro ballet with the light flickering on and off behind him. He became a part of the movie” the author writes. Such a cinematic ending to this big-picture crime thriller is unavoidable; the villain is... Read More
In July 1997 shortly before going away to college Chris Martin underwent surgery to remove turbinate tissue from both sides of his nose. An ENT doctor had recommended the procedure called a bilateral turbinectomy to relieve the chronic... Read More
“The U.P.‘s greatest export is drunk drivers; its greatest import is cold weather,” writes R.A. Riekki, who has been paroled from a life sentence in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. By mercilessly displaying the warts of Yooper... Read More
Music is written in layers—bass, baritone, alto, and soprano—one upon the other. Like music, author Richard A. Thompson has layered beautiful language, charismatic characters, and witty dialogue to create a symphony of a mystery.... Read More
Brendan Kelly loved his wife. He gave her everything he could—although an emotionally impoverished man has little to offer. Together they produced five children but Brendan was a frustrated curmudgeon long before Norah the center of... Read More
Dr. Brammar takes a dim view of certain improvement paradigms like Lean Manufacturing which promise miracle savings through little more than streamlining work stations or production lines. If every second of waste is cut from the making... Read More
Like so many important research efforts, Legendary Love began with a passion for the truth. Author Winston Wilde recalls watching the TV show *Hawaii Five-0 as a teen and being struck by how “the gay guys were always portrayed as... Read More
No-bid contractor Bectburton Corporation is in the news, under suspicion of skimming government funds in an oil-for-food scandal. "The Children of Shem" follows Ahmed Alwani, a lifelong American citizen of half-Iraqi extraction, who... Read More