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Reviews of Books with 239 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 239 pages.

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Book Review

Another Messiah

by Robin Ireland

What if someone had the power to say one word and change the world? After the last presidential election Rawlings threw himself into writing a simple story about what would happen if a little girl in a wheelchair could do exactly that.... Read More

Book Review

Offbeat Food

by Ron Kaplan

Long before SPAM became a synonym for questionable e-mail, it was a synonym for questionable foodstuffs. Maybe that’s the link, since the name describes something that’s filling and of unknown quality. Offbeat Food contains hundreds... Read More

Book Review

Tales From The River Brahmaputra

by Michele McDonald

The River Brahamaputra runs from the Himalayas in Tibet, through India, and on through Bangladesh, winding its way through numerous languages, cultures, and three great religions: Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. The armchair traveler will... Read More