In Hannah Regel’s novel "The Last Sane Woman", two frustrated artists, separated by decades, make their ways in the world. Nicola’s artistic ambitions are drained by her day job and self-doubt. She becomes a ghost in her own life,... Read More
A novel about sisterhood, witch hunts, common cruelties, and survival, Anna Noyes’s "The Blue Maiden" pulses with earthy magic. “They attacked me”: it’s a faint admission breathed into the cellar dark, on the night when Bea and... Read More
Brenda Peterson’s passionate essay collection "Wild Chorus" is “a celebration of the wonder and wisdom of other animals.” Peterson, whose childhood as a forest ranger’s daughter was peripatetic, is an accomplished, assured... Read More
A memoir about overcoming negative beliefs inculcated by family, church, and society, "Where Tenderness Lives" empowers others in their searches for authenticity too. Heather Plett’s memoir "Where Tenderness Lives" is a powerful story... Read More
Once-loyal soldiers begin questioning their vicious leader’s decisions in the gripping science fiction novel "Union". In Jason Dowdeswell’s space opera "Union", a military tyrant risks rekindling a war with an enigmatic alien race.... Read More
Going beyond headlines of war and strife, Artem Chapeye’s "The Ukraine" parts the veil to offer an earthy, humane look at the people and places of Ukraine. Chapeye is a Ukranian native and traveling journalist, and his compendium of... Read More
"Peripheral Vision" is a handsome sampling of Uta Barth’s challenging photography. Accompanied by essays that delve into Barth’s artistic themes and methods, its overview of Barth’s work ranges from her early projects in the late... Read More
In "The Celestial Garden", Jane Hawley Stevens reveals how gardening timed to the rhythms of the celestial bodies helps plants, and gardeners, to thrive. Stevens’s inspiring, practical book uses a potent mix of ancient wisdom, modern... Read More