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Reviews of Books with 245 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 245 pages.

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Book Review


by Christina Claassen

San Diego is at risk of a cruise missile attack from either Mexico or from the Pacific. A team of undercover agents hired through the U.S. government and led by a British “consultant in matters of crime” have joined forces to uncover... Read More

Book Review

Objects and Empathy

by Vicki Hsueh

As a genre, creative nonfiction is not only teasingly resistant to easy definition, but provocatively open-ended in its scope and sweep. With twenty-five short essays, Saltzman displays a deft touch at eliciting the revelations that can... Read More

Book Review

North of Patagonia

by Leeta Taylor

A tattered copy of an old Argentine cowboy fable of dusty death gives this lively novel its borrowed title, but its code of male fighting honor has a vernacular homeboy sound. This code is very much at home in both Chicago’s rich... Read More

Book Review

Daily News, Eternal Stories

by John Flesher

Chances are the average reporter for the Hometown Gazette, banging out his umpteenth story about the city council’s feud over funding a new sewer system, doesn’t exactly regard himself as a latter-day Homer. Lule would advise the... Read More

Book Review

Pronoun Music

by Jo-Ann Graziano

Like a good psychiatrist, Cohen shows how a character’s psyche is built upon family memories. Whether an argumentative couple on Catskills holiday with their only-child, a disbarred New York psychiatrist and his patient-girlfriend, or... Read More

Book Review

Travel With Others

by Jodee Taylor

Planning a trip with your boss? Or worse, NOT planning a trip with your boss and you end up on one anyway? There is good news and, of course, bad news. It all depends on your boss but there are several things you can do to ease your... Read More