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  2. Books with 260 Pages

Reviews of Books with 260 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 260 pages.

Book Review

Getting to Yes

by Karen Rigby

An earnest but misguided college freshman falls in and out of like with a variety of women in the musing romance novel "Getting to Yes". In Tim Hunniecutt’s winding romance novel "Getting to Yes", a college man is eager to find lasting... Read More

Book Review

Eminence Rising

by John M. Murray

In the supernatural thriller "Eminence Rising", an unusual, gifted man fights to stop a serial killer. In Thomas Owais Campbell’s thriller "Eminence Rising", a lawyer born with preternatural gifts works to solve a murder that’s... Read More

Book Review

Big Shadow

by Eileen Gonzalez

In Marta Balcewicz’s novel "Big Shadow", a lonely teenager’s lunge for freedom ends in disappointment and near disaster. Seventeen-year-old Judy’s friend Alex has given her an important job: watching the clouds for signs of the Big... Read More

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