Glimmers of discontent and secrets arise in a city that’s under authoritarian rule in "A Place Called Zamora", a promising start to a new dystopian series. In LB Gschwandtner’s dystopian novel "A Place Called Zamora", an unlikely... Read More
"The Kahuna and I" is an illustrative memoir about spirituality, growth, and a woman’s winding path toward love. Victoria Kapuni’s memoir "The Kahuna and I" is about moving from a society life in the contiguous United States to the... Read More
In Martha Hunt Handler’s young adult mystery "Winter of the Wolf", a girl recovering from her brother’s death searches for answers. Bean is devastated when her brother, Sam, is found dead after an apparent suicide. As her family... Read More
"Dinner at 10:32" is a literary novel about inner turmoil, tender mercies, and all-too-human wavering. Set in San Francisco during the 1960s and early 1980s, Mahyar A. Amouzegar’s ruminative novel "Dinner at 10:32" is about tangled... Read More
"Beauty and the Beast" is the story of an imperiled glory. Part of an inspiring documentary art project created by conservation photographers Rob Badger and Nita Winter, it highlights California’s famed wildflower “superblooms”... Read More
"The Pinebox Vendetta" is a genre-bending thriller about the world’s worst kind of people. Jeff Bond’s "The Pinebox Vendetta" is a political thriller about a reignited family feud, a cold case murder, and the American elite. The two... Read More
"Copy Boy" is a rewarding historical novel with a ferocious, fascinating lead. In Shelley Blanton-Stroud’s beguiling Depression-era novel "Copy Boy", a young woman searches for success. After years of “living in a tent between the... Read More
"A Delicate Dance of Souls" is a mature romance that’s infused with spiritual ideas. In Karen D. Hamilton’s spiritual romance "A Delicate Dance of Souls", characters navigate their feelings for each other and the mental blocks that... Read More