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  2. Books with 267 Pages

Reviews of Books with 267 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 267 pages.

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Book Review

The 8th Deadly Sin

by Lee Gooden

The Seven Deadly Sins are Pride Envy Gluttony Lust Anger Greed and Sloth each with a specific punishment in hell. Pride is to be broken on a wheel. Dismemberment while alive is the penalty for Anger the Glutton is forced to eat rats... Read More

Book Review

Sugar's Life in the Hood

The first time somebody asked me ‘Do I date?’ I was nineteen and pregnant. Still possessing a bit of childhood innocence, I did not realize the guy was trying to purchase my womanly wiles. Even after he offered me $25 and a new dress... Read More

Book Review

The Rosicrucian Enlightenment Revisited

by Karen Wyckoff

Though twice shrouded beneath its own inherent secrecy and with the solemnly laid dust of fallen centuries, the Rosicrucian mystery is realized nonetheless. Via its rich formative literature and with writings, which resonate its essence,... Read More