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Reviews of Books with 284 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 284 pages.

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Book Review

Time Bomb

by Troy-Michelle Reinhardt

Oaths in blood, bombs, mystery, family strife, discrimination, boyhood bonds—individually they each create an interesting theme for a middle-grade novel. Mix them all together and the end result is "Time Bomb". Set in post-war Britain... Read More

Book Review

Finding Amy

by Lynn Evarts

On a late October night in 2001, twenty-five-year-old Amy St. Laurent disappeared from the Old Port section of Portland, Maine during a night out with an acquaintance who was visiting from Florida. He returned to her apartment with her... Read More

Book Review

Proposing on the Brooklyn Bridge

by Melanie Drane

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, forty-three percent of all new U.S. marriages end in divorce. In this uncertain climate, contemporary American poetry about married life inhabits a terrain of the soul that ranges... Read More

Book Review

Modern Psychology and Ancient Wisdom

by E. James Lieberman

Ten writers, including the editor, present eight chapters on the meeting of modern psychotherapy and spiritual healing traditions. More like meditations than treatment manuals, the essays open windows of enlightenment not just to... Read More

Book Review

Women in Vietnam

by Kristin Putchinksi

Although there are countless films, books, documentaries, and oral accounts of the male experience in the Vietnam War, there is little or nothing about the approximately 7,500 women who served in South Vietnam. The United States... Read More