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Reviews of Books with 287 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 287 pages.

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Book Review


by Mark McLaughlin

Science fiction fans have to love a bad guy who likes the thought of being worshipped. Such is the character of Lozerick, who, like his father and grandfather before him, is one of a piratical band of mining engineers, poachers, slavers,... Read More

Book Review

The Claret Murders

by Jeannine Chartier Hanscom

As established long ago by the iconic James Bond, solving mysteries is simply much easier when one has a limitless supply of funding and gadgetry. This theory is ably upheld by wealthy, good-natured, and endlessly resourceful amateur... Read More

Book Review

Answers From Silence

Who wouldn’t want a personal answering service for the daily questions that flood our minds; answers to questions about relationships, careers, spirituality, and the like; personalized wisdom delivered straight to our hearts? But where... Read More

Book Review

Journey to My Master Teacher

“I have set up this school…a super school set apart from the madness of the marketplace,” Ramtha says. For the uninitiated, Ramtha is a male spirit form who is channeled through the female physical form of JZ Knight. While in... Read More

Book Review

Aaron's Crossing

by Dan Bogey

A wooded cemetery at twilight is not the place to be, the author thought to herself as she paused in front of a headstone in the midst of an overgrown Michigan graveyard in 1995. The heavy feeling of a troubled presence caused her to... Read More

Book Review

Lucifer's Trumpet

by Andi Diehn

The roaring twenties might shine with some glamour from the vantage point of 2009, but certainly temporal distance has laid a false gloss over that tumultuous, dangerous period of time. John C. Williams explores the dark underside of a... Read More

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