In the moving novel "The Untended", a community’s grit, hardiness, and sense of unity become apparent, even as its citizens struggle with addiction. In Mattea Kramer’s multifaceted novel "The Untended", small-town people survive... Read More
A poetic, rhythmic campfire tale that moves at a quick, tense pace, "Warriors of the Red Wolf" is an engrossing community origin story. In Nicholas Varner’s fabulistic novel "Warriors of the Red Wolf", warriors seek safety from a... Read More
"Armando and the Amazing Animal Race" is an intricate, thoughtful coming-of-age novel about endangered species and life after loss. In Diana Schaffter’s adventure novel "Armando and the Amazing Animal Race", an animal-loving... Read More
"Those We Carry" is a tragic, triumphant novel about wartime love. Perseverance despite a tragic past leads a budding hero into the horrors and humility of World War II, and eventually to love, in Scott Saxberg’s novel "Those We... Read More
A focused self-help text that encourages attentive self-inquiry, "The Potentialist" suggests ways to nurture one’s consciousness toward living the best possible life. Ben Lytle’s self-help book "The Potentialist" is about the pursuit... Read More
A commonsense guide to what the United States government actually does, Jeff Fleischer’s "Civic Minded" demystifies subjects at the heart of contemporary political discourse and creates a groundwork of facts for everyday citizens.... Read More
Preserving the experiences and words of Cree children kidnapped from their families and forced into the residential school system, the memoir "No Escape" pushes back against a system designed to erase cultural heritage. Ron Gosbee’s... Read More
In Sadie Hoagland’s novel "Circle of Animals", a woman goes through cycles of trauma, motherhood, complicated love, and perseverance in a misogynistic culture. Sky’s life is unusual thanks to her free-spirited, unpredictable mother,... Read More