In the uplifting fantasy novel Ida and the Unfinished City, memorable characters move through a world that’s directed by natural disasters. Carolyn Cohagan’s Ida and the Unfinished City is an enchanting middle grade fantasy in which... Read More
Emily English Medley’s heartbreaking novel "From the Moon I Watched Her" is filled with secrets and lies both about family and God. In 1977, though Daddy Black thunders from his Church of Christ pulpit about the evils of abortion,... Read More
In Jane Rosenberg LaForge’s dark thriller "Sisterhood of the Infamous", two sisters contend with a grisly killing, and their lifetime of resentment boils over. When she was younger, Barbara hungered for fame. She went from the... Read More
In the entertaining historical novel "The Printer and the Strumpet", the American Revolution is seen from the perspective of a flawed wordsmith. In Larry Brill’s satirical historical novel, "The Printer and the Strumpet", a colorful... Read More
"Toxic Fr.O.G." is an inspiring coming-of-age novel whose heroine immerses herself in science, diverse cultures, and a deep friendship. In Richard Roach’s heartwarming coming-of-age novel "Toxic Fr.O.G.", a once awkward young woman... Read More
In "Water is Wider", two women form an unexpected bond and redefine the meaning of family. Marie Green McKeon’s "Water is Wider" is an intimate novel in which a young girl and a middle-aged woman come into each other’s lives and form... Read More
Jan Dworkin’s "Make Love Better" is a heartfelt guide to deepening romantic and committed relationships—the kind that are healing, challenging, and encourage growth. Lighthearted but informative, the book includes stories from... Read More
In Katy Yocom’s immersive and multilayered novel "Three Ways to Disappear", Sarah and Quinn confront painful childhood truths and address their neglected sisterhood. Beginning with a glimpse of Sarah and Quinn’s childhood in India,... Read More