- Book Reviews
- Books with 317 Pages
Reviews of Books with 317 Pages
Here are all of the books we've reviewed
that have 317 pages.
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Baseball and books have more in common than the letter B in B.F. Monachino’s first novel, "Confessions of an Accidental Sleuth". Monachino, who was semi-finalist for Amazon.com’s Breakthrough Novel Award, was a lawyer for major... Read More
For forty years Jay Hoyland tried to forget those days in Vietnam that changed him so profoundly. But when an old soldier asked for his help with a bureaucratic problem, something made him unearth his diaries and letters and read the... Read More
"Imminent" is a quirky unique science-fiction adventure. Two advanced species the pacifist Imminent and the pugnacious Zeastians share a planetary system called Loknyss; a beautiful world that they fear would be despoiled if not outright... Read More
"Mystical Visions" is author Josephine Cirino’s ode to her brother who was killed several years ago, and an exploration of her spiritual visions, dreams, and premonitions. Cirino believes she is blessed with the gift of second sight... Read More
An ominous thread runs through this novel, making it one of the most heart- rending, frightening, and unique gay novels in a generation. Set in the Spain of fascist dictator Franco in the latter part of the 1960s, this thread sewn... Read More
Everyone familiar with Dickens’ A Christmas Carol remembers Jacob Marley: the ghostly partner who came to warn Ebenezer Scrooge to change his ways lest Scrooge suffer the same fate. What fate was it? Only alluded to by the reference of... Read More
A book of essays on nuclear weapons, power and fallout of all sorts is not the place one might expect to find poetry, but the power of the images and language in this book transcend prose. Twenty-four authors contributed to this study of... Read More
“Science Fiction.” The term conjures up images of Star Trek, Star Wars, campy Flash Gordon movie serials and famous authors such as Robert Heinlein, Ray Bradbury and Ursula K. LeGuin. In its broader meaning, “SF,” as it is known... Read More