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Reviews of Books with 334 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 334 pages.

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Book Review

Unconventional Love Affair

by Claire Foster

A couple are made for each other in this convincing romance. The tension in this coming-of-age romance hinges on a twelve-year age difference between Brad, an Iraq War veteran, and Linda, a recently divorced single mother. Their shared... Read More

Book Review

Abe Lincoln On Acid

by Joe Taylor

Honest Abe has been revived and sent on a psychedelic trip in this entertaining work of alternate history. After a long coma curtailed Lincoln’s stint with the Dillinger gang in Abe Lincoln: Public Enemy No. 1, Brian Anthony and Bill... Read More

Book Review

Song of the Sending

by Catherine Thureson

This unique and entertaining fantasy novel becomes more engrossing with each turn of the page. In "Song of the Sending", an engrossing and highly entertaining novel by Corinne O’Flynn, Jim, a young man from another world, discovers... Read More

Book Review

Soul Searching

by Michelle Anne Schingler

A creative plot bolsters themes of spirituality, morality, and the afterlife. Jamie-Jo Brenner’s debut novel follows Brent, a jaded teenager whose desperate act leads to more loss than he anticipated. "Soul Searching" contains a clever... Read More

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