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Reviews of Books with 350 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 350 pages.

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Book Review

The Plateau

by Laura Munion

Even the smallest of our actions can affect what happens to the environment in the future. What if a mundane daily task could cause the difference between a life full of possibilities and a land unrecognizable from your own? The Plateau... Read More

Book Review

The Science of Consequences

by Kristen Rabe

The principles of rewards and consequences—along with stories of Pavlov’s dog or the rat in the maze—are such core assumptions in our culture, they’re almost cliché. Susan Schneider quickly moves beyond the cliché, however, in... Read More

Book Review

The Crow Farm Cookbook

by Rachel Jagareski

It took a trek to Nepal to bring Californian Catherine Manz and Kentucky native John Smith together, but the pair wed and began a life together on a small farm in rural Oregon. "The Crow Farm Cookbook" is an expanded second edition of... Read More

Book Review

Terra Forma

by C. William Gee

The year is 2047 and scientist James Kennedy has convinced governments throughout the world to move beyond their differences and the lingering threat of terrorism in order to work collaboratively to “terraform” Mars for colonization.... Read More

Book Review

The Nose Knows

by Jeannine Chartier Hanscom

The heroine of Holly L. Lewitas’ debut novel is intelligent, clever, and intensely loyal. She is also covered with gray and white fur, but the fact that she happens to be a dog doesn’t stop Spunky from solving mysteries and... Read More

Book Review

Sleeper's Run

by Jill Allen

Eric Caine sleepwalks through life. His aimless road to nowhere is punctuated by violent bouts of drunkenness and excruciating flashbacks from his service in the War on Terror. Caine loses his humdrum job after a nasty bar fight, and a... Read More

Book Review

The Friday Night Club

"The Friday Night Club" can’t quite be called a coming-of-age story, as the characters are half a dozen years beyond college, but it is certainly a tale about confronting maturity. Davis Robertson must face his fears of children,... Read More

Book Review

Beyond the Map's Boundary

Have you ever wished you could go back in time a few minutes, hours, or days, and make a different choice? Do you ever despair that a certain moment of weakness ruined your life? We’ve all had the feeling that if only we could return... Read More

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