Emiliano Monge’s "Among the Lost" is a harrowing novel about migration and human trafficking, told from the points of view of both victims and victimizers. Set in an unnamed country that resembles Mexico and taking place over the... Read More
By the spring of 1941, the Axis powers were in ascendance, with France and Russia on their heels, the United States still officially neutral, and the United Kingdom and its colonies representing the last hope for stopping Nazi domination... Read More
Nationalism and patriotism are not unfamiliar substances in America’s bloodstream. As Peter Martin’s "The Dictionary Wars" illustrates, such fervor extended into heated debates over English language usage. In its infancy, the United... Read More
"The Last Caliph" is a thoughtful thriller whose cast is illuminating in its diversity. T. L. Williams’s "The Last Caliph" is a realistic military adventure that reveals the intricacies of American involvement in the Middle East. Logan... Read More
In Peter Bunzl’s enthralling middle grade adventure, "Cogheart", Lily Hartman’s inventor father is missing, and she sets off to solve the mystery of his disappearance. The story moves quickly, its complex plot never missing a step.... Read More
Intelligence historian Gill Bennett’s easy familiarity with Anglo-Soviet foreign policy and espionage imbues "The Zinoviev Letter" with impressive authoritativeness, untangling the 1924 “fake news” document from speculation to... Read More
Daniel T. Rodgers eloquently decodes four centuries of Western history in "As a City on a Hill", in which myths and meanings of Massachusetts Bay Colony governor John Winthrop’s 1630 “A Model of Christian Charity” are elegantly... Read More
"113 Days" is a memoir as well as an invitation to grow in understanding what it’s like to live with mental illness. Bradley Good’s memoir of mental illness, "113 Days", falls to rock bottom and then climbs back to health. How did I... Read More