Introducing a multitude of people, storylines, and questions for a beginning series, "The Seven Stones" is a rich fantasy novel. The first book in a series, A. Mussbacher’s fantasy novel "The Seven Stones" introduces assassination... Read More
A nuanced look at fairy tales, including their structures, histories, and interpretations, "Fairy Tales 101" is a sound introduction to the field. "Fairy Tales 101", Jeana Jorgensen’s welcoming literary compendium, illuminates fairy... Read More
"Angel of the Garbage Dump" is the biography of a courageous change-maker, Hanley Denning. Denning first encountered the Guatemala City dump that she came to think of as “home” in 1999. Though her early experiences there were... Read More
"The Insignificant Girl" is a thriller led by a diplomatic woman who seeks freedom from social deceits and sexual oppression. In Tom Fitzgerald’s action-oriented thriller "The Insignificant Girl", a slighted woman rises against... Read More
Recalling a 1970s cross-country tour and written with dry wit, "Baby Pictures" is a compelling memoir about a musician’s coming-of-age. Musician B. John Burns’s memoir "Baby Pictures" covers the year he spent on the road with a new... Read More
In David Musgrave’s fascinating novel "Lambda", a woman is enmeshed in conflicts between surveillance police, a synthetic person, and genetically human Lambdas. “A lambda function is a small anonymous function”: this computer... Read More
In the adventure-heavy fantasy novel "Doizemaster: Phantasm Creed", a young man faces magical threats, makes friends, and falls in love. In Tony M. Quintana’s fantasy novel "Doizemaster: Phantasm Creed", a covert group protects... Read More
"The Dream Stitcher" is a deeply satisfying story in which complex characters come to terms with a painful past. In Deborah Gaal’s novel "The Dream Stitcher", the past, present, fantasy, and reality come together to showcase hope and... Read More