"The Nine Lives of Bianca Moon" is a wry satirical novel—a comedy of errors in which anthropomorphized animals live, die, and solve murders with the help of spirits. In Delas Heras’s mystery novel "The Nine Lives of Bianca Moon", a... Read More
In Laura Frantz’s eloquent Georgian romance novel "The Rose and the Thistle", an English lady goes into exile during the Jacobite uprising and has a fateful encounter with a Scottish earl. Blythe, the duke of Northumbria’s only... Read More
“Mass extinction and social collapse” are “a hard set of lemons to be making lemonade out of,” environmental activist Andrew Boyd admits. "I Want a Better Catastrophe" is his inventive, no-nonsense manual of constructive and... Read More
The temperate rain forest of the North Pacific coast is so valuable an ecosystem that it has been dubbed “the Amazon of the North.” It holds the world’s tallest trees—“carbon-capturing machines.” In "Canopy of Titans", Paul... Read More
The magic system of Jamie Pacton’s delightful, haunting fantasy novel "The Vermilion Emporium" pays tribute to the Radium Girls, who met tragic ends. Quinta is an orphan who fears she will never live up to her mother’s magical life.... Read More
In the thriller "The Canada Project", a careful, persistent reporter uncovers dangerous extremism in the oil industry. In Claudia Cattaneo’s heart-stopping thriller "The Canada Project", the interests of the press, the oil industry,... Read More
"The Mexican Vegetarian Cookbook" is a dazzling, rich text that highlights the skill of maestras throughout Mexico’s diverse regions, relating how vegetables and herbs are the foundation of disparate dishes in the national cuisine. The... Read More
Jennifer L. Wright’s intelligent and arresting historical novel focuses on two girls who witness the atomic bomb test in New Mexico. In 1944, the US Army claims Olive’s family ranch through eminent domain. Against her will, she’s... Read More