Everyone gets overwhelmed, but "Oh Susannah" teaches children that it is okay to ask for help. Susannah wants to shove all of her problems into her school bag, but no matter how hard she tries to ignore them, those problems just will not... Read More
Diversity is shown to build character and to make groups stronger in this excellent story. Children quickly notice when someone looks or acts different, and they are not afraid to voice, sometimes loudly, how they feel about those... Read More
If You Were Me and Lived on….Mars is an enchanting imagined journey to the Red Planet. Carole P. Roman has written many colorful, fun, and educational books for children, including her popular If You Were Me…and Lived in series for... Read More
It’s a fight for resources on one side of Gas Mountain, where residents willing to share and forgive teach an important lesson to kids. A. M. Shah’s "Monster Fart Wars" is a silly and entertaining story for young children who enjoy... Read More
This children’s book is imbued with enough sassy depictions of cat mischief and historical details to also interest an adult audience. What the beloved Eloise books are to the Plaza Hotel, "Matilda, the Algonquin Cat" is to the... Read More
Learning to share and play nicely with other children can be a challenge. In "Salad Pie", Maggie finds the playground deserted when she arrives. This, she feels, is the perfect environment for making salad pie. She is not happy when... Read More
In a world filled with distraction and noise, Stone’s book is a welcome call to come home to ourselves and to our place in nature. There is magic in the music of the birds, wild dreams to be dreamed, and much, much more to be seen... Read More
This review does not have words—excepting: brainy, entertaining, and satirical. That and smart-alecky, comic, adorable, artistic, and snort-out-loud funny. This review does not have words in the same way the book doesn’t have words... Read More