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Reviews of Books with 470 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 470 pages.

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Book Review

Max's Diamonds

by Tracy Fischer

An incredibly engaging and thought-provoking story of one man haunted by the grief of his past. Max’s Diamonds, an excellent new work of fiction by Jay Greenfield, traces the life of a man hiding his past and a traumatic childhood.... Read More

Book Review

Health Smart Epiphany!

by Sheila M. Trask

We all know by now that diet and exercise are healthy; Dr. Souadjian shows us why and how. In a health-care system focused on diagnosis and treatment, prevention often gets short shrift. Dr. J. V. Souadjian aims to address this imbalance... Read More

Book Review

Thera and the Exodus

by Mark McLaughlin

“In this treatise it is assumed that most of the biblical accounts are based on actual events, despite having been embellished by later editors.” Thus does Riaan Booysen head off critics who even before reading his book might accuse... Read More