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Reviews of Books with 86 Pages

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that have 86 pages.

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Book Review

War Time Poetry

by Colby Cedar Smith

Richard C. Hampton served as a Navy corpsman for over twenty-one years and was decorated for heroism during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He is one of the courageous Americans who has seen the horrors of war and learned to heal from the... Read More

Book Review

Not Blessed

by Trina Carter

This novella plays with conventions of storytelling. It is experimental fiction, meaning nothing is certain, and everything is contrived: “the rules need not necessarily apply.” The author is out to shake up the reader’s... Read More

Book Review

Alien Legacy

Strange creatures unexplained lights a frightened family a hysterical community—all are ingredients in the story about events in Kelly Kentucky on August 21 and 22 1955. In "Alien Legacy" Geraldine Sutton Stith passes on the tale of a... Read More

Book Review

Barack Obama

by Andi Diehn

No matter how the next four years go Barack Obama’s name will represent for future generations a turning point in American politics. As the first black president of the United States he holds a vital place in history and his name will... Read More

Book Review

The French Words to Say It

by Sarah White

For those who are familiar with French and who enjoy making pastry The French Words to Say it: Pastry Making is a brilliant concept. Not only are there 30 tasty French dessert recipes—from marble cake (marbre) to the Yule log (buche de... Read More

Book Review

Airs, Waters, Places

“[S]tars fall sometimes and / there you are / up to your knees in light,” writes Cole Swensen - an image for Epiphany, the day the infant Christ was first beheld by the Magi. “I thought / my horse would bolt, but, / though blinded,... Read More

Book Review

Fictional Teeth

Just as teeth are an important, yet dispensable, tool among the survival skills that humankind still applies to life, so is literature, especially in its traditional forms of poetry and fiction. This book metaphorically alludes to one of... Read More