1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published June 15, 1998

June 15, 1998

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published June 15, 1998. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in June 1998.

Book Review

Alaska's Copper River Delta

by Alan L. White

The Copper River Delta rests in south central Alaska like a fragile emerald crown, beautiful in its complexity and delicate in its balance. Nowhere in North America does such a varied and sensitive ecosystem exist. The delta encompasses... Read More

Book Review

Things Invisible to See

by Michele McDonald

Lawrence Schimel brings together yet another interesting anthology of gay/lesbian fiction. A collection of 11 stories that mixes life’s hard-hitting realities with characters dying of AIDS, choosing suicide, struggles of coming out to... Read More

Book Review

Religious Schools v. Children's Rights

James G. Dwyer’s blueprint for tightening government regulation of religious schools is the epitome of throwing out the baby with the bath water. Dwyer, visiting assistant professor in the Chicago-Kent School of Law, Illinois Institute... Read More

Book Review

The Mt. Pele Redemption

by Sophia Tarila

Martin, a veteran writer, takes us on an amazing journey placed in the 1950s. Claire Dumont, a feisty young journalist, seeks to unlock the whys and wherefores of her father’s sudden debilitation and death-drawing coma that is somehow... Read More

Book Review


“Porn is sex without secrecy…but its users are secret,” anthropologist Bernard Arcand maintains. With this hushed realism fueling British author O’Toole’s take on pornography in Pornocopia, O’Toole argues that with the onset... Read More

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