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  2. Books Published June 1998

June 1998

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published June 1998.

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Book Review


by Jim Filkins

“Have you ever been so thirsty…that you cannot take another step, you cannot even think. That is how thirsty you must be in the desert before you allow yourself the most tiny ration of water. Just a taste really, only enough amount... Read More

Book Review

365 Views of Mt. Fuji

by Karen Wyckoff

Todd Shimoda’s novel is a quiet marriage of an intricate literary effort and over 400 Hokusai inspired line drawings which pepper each page. The novel follows the life of curator Keizo Yukawa, a young professional who has left his... Read More

Book Review

Threads of Time

“Threads of Time” and “Recollections” are surely too modest a title and subtitle for this remarkable memoir. Part quest, part odyssey, part spiritual self-exploration, the book is always more than a record of events. Fueled by an... Read More

Book Review

Bluebeard's Last Stand

Bluebeard’s Last Stand, an entertaining mystery novel, is the latest installment in the Gil Yates Private Investigator series by Los Angeles author Alistair Boyle. Gil Yates is an unlikely hero, a plant-collecting, 90’s dad who... Read More

Book Review

Enemy of the Average

by Rich Wertz

If in a fit of silliness Ayn Rand had written a Harlequin romance, the result might have been something like what Margaret Nicol has come up with in Enemy of the Average. There’s much to complain about’silly title, stilted dialogue... Read More

Book Review


by Chris Walker Morey

Leaving a successful academic life in the United States for a deeper understanding of life, John Robbins decides to embark on a journey through Asia. His search ends in Tibet, where he spends three years as a Buddhist monk. Sharing the... Read More

Book Review

Outside Lies Magic

by David Hacker

On Zeandale Road in the Flint Hills of eastern Kansas, I can look out over the prairie and grain fields on either side of the road and see just a few hundred yards away the remnant of the right of way of the long-vanished Manhattan,... Read More

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