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  2. Books Published March 15, 1999

March 15, 1999

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published March 15, 1999. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in March 1999.

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Book Review

Taste Berries for Teens

by Lynn Brach

Our world, culture and society present teenagers with difficult choices and complex decisions that can have an impact on them for a lifetime. In a book filled with personal anecdotes from teens of diverse backgrounds, "Taste Berries for... Read More

Book Review

The Devil Knows Latin

by Nelly Heitman

Many people are taking a critical look at American society today and are vehemently complaining that it is falling apart at the seams: crime is high, morality is low; test scores are dropping across the board despite classrooms getting... Read More

Book Review

Prairie Son

by Anne-Marie Oomen

Prairie Son, winner of the Mid-List First Series Award for Creative Nonfiction, honors its Minnesota roots with an unflinching look at the rural, often poverty-ridden lifestyle of the twenties, thirties and forties. Where much Depression... Read More

Book Review

Great English Gardens

by H. Shaw Cauchy

The extraordinary element of this new book by Lawson and Taylor is the photography. The photos are grand and yet detailed, breathtaking as well as intimate, of the panoramic and secretive. They are so wonderful, in fact, that they... Read More