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  2. Books Published September 15, 1999

September 15, 1999

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published September 15, 1999. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in September 1999.

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Book Review

While You Were Sleeping

by Sharon Flesher

This counting book has few words to mar Butler’s exquisite illustrations. In the first book that he has both written and illustrated, Butler has chosen his words well, but the value of this book comes from the paintings that are so... Read More

Book Review

Lord Byron's Jackal

by John Flesher

When the subject of this biography died in 1881, his cremated remains were buried in Rome alongside one of English Romanticism’s most revered poets, Percy Bysshe Shelley. It was a final public relations coup for Trelawny, who had... Read More

Book Review


by Diane Conners

Women partake of knowledge and look what happens. Eve eats the forbidden fruit. Pandora opens the box. The world comes tumbling down. From the Bible to Greek mythology, Victorian-era novels and twentieth century science fiction, Norris... Read More

Book Review

Washington's Farewell To His Officers

“Perhaps His Excellency’s (George Washington’s) was indeed a charmed and divinely protected life, as many of his soldiers believed … .” During the French and Indian war he had been shot at point blank and missed and during the... Read More

Book Review

Hemingway vs. Fitzgerald

by Marjory Raymer

As best friends and best rivals, conflict defined this epic friendship. Donaldson records their relationship with timeline precision, acute insight and flowing excerpts from the men’s personal and public writings. The detail sparks... Read More

Book Review

The Pastoral Nature of Theology

by Linda Wilson

This book explores the way in which the historical and cultural setting of theology has a seminal influence on its nature. We will see how theology always has and still does arise out of pastoral concern. In doing so, we will challenge... Read More

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