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  2. Books Published March 2000

March 2000

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published March 2000.

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Book Review

Learning to Glow

by Marlene Satter

A book of essays on nuclear weapons, power and fallout of all sorts is not the place one might expect to find poetry, but the power of the images and language in this book transcend prose. Twenty-four authors contributed to this study of... Read More

Book Review

The Horned Toad Prince

The original Brother’s Grimm tale, The Frog Prince, has here been remade into a rousing Southwestern tale with elements both fabricated and familiar. Out on the lonesome prairie, Reba Jo is a live-wire cowgirl ready to lasso anything... Read More

Book Review

Not Just Another Moose

by Martha Topol

From the first vision of Moose standing tall with his huge baked potato nose sniffing the air, readers can sense this is no ordinary character, especially with his five foot wide set of antlers sweeping up toward the sky, “like huge... Read More

Book Review


by Cari Noga

Fay Jones is not a typical heroine. She uses men and lets herself be used. She makes rash decisions and runs from the consequences. She smokes and drinks while she’s pregnant and puts off seeing a doctor. Yet somehow, the... Read More

Book Review

Restoring the Goddess

by Elizabeth Millard

Appreciation and worship in the Western world of a Goddess, rather than a Judeo-Christian God, is not a new idea. Boston College’s Mary Daly has written for decades about incorporating a female deity into our spiritual realm, and... Read More

Book Review

The Biology of Love

by Judy Hopkins

If psychotherapist Janov had his way, the fetus, not the child, would be father of the man. He believes that love or its lack thereof in the early stages of life engraves a memory on the body as well as the mind. Since Janov’s concept... Read More

Book Review

The Drama of Everyday Life

by Karen Wyckoff

Darning the wardrobes of our unwitting psyches with glittering threads of enlightenment, while sparing the pierce of a clinical needle, The Drama of Everyday Life intelligently illuminates the cast of characters who roam the arena of our... Read More

Book Review

Meditations on Design

by Holly Wren Spaulding

Included among House Beautiful’s Top American Designers (1999), John Wheatman offers his philosophy and some practical guidance for individuals who want to improve their home with guidance and expertise from a book by a professional.... Read More

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